The European Union (EU) has set ambitious policy targets for the sustainable utilization of energy in Europe. The major objectives of EU energy policies are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs); decrease energy dependency on imported fossil fuels; diversify the sources of energy supply; generate employment in agricultural and rural areas; and promote technological innovation and development in Europe. As bioenergy and biofuels have been recognized carbon-neutral and cost effective climate change mitigation option, the EU has been promoting them as alternative renewal energies to fossil fuels to reduce negative impacts on climate and increase sustainable energy security in the EU. Currently, biomass covers about two third of total consumption of renewal energy and contributing to the diversification of the EU fuel mix, consequently increasing domestic energy supplies and reducing GHGs. Although bioenergy cannot replace all fossil fuels, it can contribute significantly to achieve the EU policy targets i.e. at least a 20 percent reduction in GHGs, a 20 percent increase in renewable energy and a 20 percent increase in energy efficiency by 2020.
To know more about EU policies and related documents on bioenergy and biofuels, please click the following links
1. Bioenergy
2. Biofuels
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