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International indexed journals
AREVALO J., OCHIENG R., MOLA-YUDEGO B., GRITTEN D. 2014. Understanding bioenergy conflicts: case of a jatropha project in Kenya's Tana Delta. Land Use Policy. In press (DOI 10.1016/j.landusepol.2014.05.002)
FERRAZ FILHO A, SCOLFORO J RS, MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2014. Coppice with standards silvicultural system applied to Eucalyptus plantations - a review. Journal of Forestry Research 25(2):237-248. [ResearchGate]
AREVALO J., HALDER P., KORTELAINEN J., MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2014. Bioenergy: from local conflicts to global governance. OGEL Journal (in
press). [ResearcGate]
HALDER P., AREVALO J., TAHVANAINEN L., PELKONEN P. 2014. Challenges and opportunities associated with the development of forest-based bioenergy sector in India: Results from an expert survey. Challenges 5 (1), 100-111. [ResearchGate]
GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA, FEIJOO G, MOREIRA M T, MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2014. Cradle-to-gate Life Cycle Assessment of forest operations in Europe. Environmental and Energy profiles. Journal of Cleaner Production. In Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.11.067. [ResearchGate]
AREVALO J., PITKÄNEN S., KIRONGO B. 2014. Developing forestry curricula: experiences from a Kenyan-Finnish project. International Forestry Review, 16 (1) 78-86(9). [ResearchGate]
MOLA-YUDEGO B, SELKIMÄKI M, GONZALEZ-OLABARRIA J R. 2013. Spatial analysis of the wood pellet production for energy in Europe. Renewable Energy. In Press. [ResearchGate]
WINDISCH J, RÖSER D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, SIKANEN L, ASIKAINEN A. 2013. Business process mapping and discrete-event simulation of two forest biomass supply chains. Biomass and Bioenergy. In Press. [ResearchGate]
DÍAZ-YAÑEZ O, MOLA-YUDEGO B, ANTTILA P, RÖSER D, ASIKAINEN A. 2013. Forest chips for energy in Europe: current procurement methods and potentials. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. In Press. [Journal] [ResearchGate]
GONZALEZ-GARCIA S, MOLA-YUDEGO B, MURPHY R J. 2012. Life Cycle Assessment of potential energy uses for short rotation willow (Salix spp.) biomass in Sweden. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. doi:10.1007/s11367-012-0536-2
AREVALO J, MOLA-YUDEGO B, PELKONEN P, QU M. 2012.Students' views on forestry education: a cross-national comparison across three universities in Brazil, China and Finland. Forest Policy and Economics 25:123-131.
GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, DELGADO-MATAS C, KORTELAINEN J. 2012. A quantitative review of the representation of forest conflicts across the world: resource periphery and emerging patterns. Forest Policy and Economics. doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2012.06.008.
GONZALEZ-OLABARRIA J R, RODRÍGUEZ F, FERNÁNDEZ-LANDA A, MOLA-YUDEGO B Mapping fire risk in the Model Forest of Urbión (Spain) based on airborne LiDAR measurements. Forest Ecology and Management. Forthcoming.
DIMITRIOU J, MOLA-YUDEGO B, ARONSSON P. 2012. Impact of willow Short Rotation Coppice on water quality. Bioenergy Research. Forthcoming.
DIMITRIOU J, MOLA-YUDEGO B, ARONSSON P, ERIKSSON J. 2012. Changes in organic carbon and trace elements in the soil of willow short-rotation coppice plantations. Bioenergy Research. Forthcoming.
GRITTEN D, GONZALEZ-OLABARRIA J R, MOLA-YUDEGO B, DOMINGUEZ G. 2012. Environmental campaigns against forest companies: What are the campaigns trying to achieve? Forest Systems. In Press
QU M, AHPONEN PL, TAHVANAINEN L, GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, PELKONEN P. 2012. Practices and perceptions on the development of forest bioenergy in China from participants in national forestry training courses. Biomass and Bioenergy 40:53–62.
RÖSER D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, PRINZ R, EMER B, SIKANEN L. 2012. Chipping operations and efficiency in different operational environments. Silva Fennica 46(2): 275–286.[PDF]
GONZALEZ-GARCIA S, MOLA-YUDEGO B, DIMITRIOU J, ARONSSON, P, MURPHY R J. 2012. Environmental assessment of energy production based on long term commercial willow plantations in Sweden. Science of the Total Environment. 421:210-219
FABRA-CRESPO M, MOLA-YUDEGO B, GRITTEN D, ROJAS-BRIALES E. 2012. Public perception on forestry issues in the Region of Valencia (Eastern Spain): diverging from policy makers? Forest systems. 21(1):99-110.[PDF]
GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, DELGADO-MATAS C. 2012. Media coverage of forest conflicts: A reflection of the conflicts’ intensity and impact? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 27(2):143-153.
MOLA-YUDEGO B, GRITTEN D, DELGADO-MATAS C. 2012. Quantitative investigation of forest conflicts using different data collection methods. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27(2): 130-142.
HALDER P, PIETARINEN J, HAVU-NUUTINEN S, PELKONEN P, CHANG C-Y, PROKOP P, USAK M. 2012. Knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes as determinants of youth’s intentions to use bioenergy – a cross-national perspective. International Journal of Green Energy. In Press.
HALDER P, SHARMA R, ALAM A. 2012. Local perceptions of and responses to climate change – experiences from the natural resource dependent communities in India. Regional Environmental Change. DOI 10.1007/s10113-012-0281-x.
BOSTROM A, O'CONNOR RE, BÖHM G, HANSS D, BODI O, EKSTRÖM F, HALDER P, JESCHKE S, MACK B, QU M, ROSENTRATER L, SANDVE A AND SÆLENSMINDE I. 2012. Causal Thinking and Support for Climate Change Policies: International Survey Findings. Global Environmental Change 22: 210 – 222.
HALDER P, PROKOP P, CHANG C-Y, USAK M, PIETARINEN J, HAVU-NUUTINEN S, PELKONEN P AND CAKIR M. 2012. International Survey on Bioenergy Knowledge, Perceptions and Attitudes among Young Citizens. BioEnergy Research 5: 247 - 261.
ZYADIN A,PUHAKKA A, AHPONEN P,CRONBERG T,PELKONEN P. 2012. School students’ knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes toward renewable energy in Jordan. Renewable Energy 45 (78-85)
HASSAN K, PELKONEN P, HALDER P, PAPPINEN A. 2012. An analysis of cross-sectional variation in energy consumption pattern at the household level in disregarded rural Bangladesh. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2: 3949 – 3963.[PDF]
RÖSER D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, SIKANEN L, PRINZ R, GRITTEN D, EMER B, VÄÄTÄINEN K, ERKKILÄ A. 2011. Natural drying treatments during seasonal storage of wood for bioenergy in different European locations. Biomass & Bioenergy 10(15): 4238–4247.
QU M, AHPONEN PL, TAHVANAINEN L, GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, PELKONEN P. 2011. Chinese university students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding forest bio-energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15(8): 3649–3657.
MOLA-YUDEGO B, PELKONEN P. 2011. Pulling effects of district heating plants on the adoption and spread of willow plantations for biomass: the power plant in Enköping (Sweden). Biomass and Bioenergy 35(7):2986–2992.
GRITTEN D, and MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2011. Exploration of the relevance of geographical, environmental and socio-economic indicators regarding forest conflict types. International Forestry Review. In Press.
HALDER P, HAVU-NUUTINEN S, PIETARINEN J AND PELKONEN P. 2011. Bio-energy and youth: Analyzing the role of school, home, and media from the future policy perspectives. Applied Energy 88: 1233–1240.
GONZÁLEZ-OLABARRIA J R, MOLA-YUDEGO B, PUKKALA T, PALAHÍ M. 2011. Using multi-scale spatial analysis to assess fire ignition density in Catalonia, Spain. Annals of Forest Science 68(4)861-871.
MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2011. Predicting and mapping productivity of short rotation willow plantations in Sweden based on climatic data using a non-parametric method. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151(7): 875–881.
AREVALO, J., PITKÄNEN, S., TAHVANAINEN, L. & ENKENBERG, J. 2011. Motivation of Foreign Students Seeking a Multi-institutional Forestry Master’s degree in Europe. Journal of Forestry 109 (2): 69-73(5).
SELKIMÄKI M, MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2010. Estimating and modelling the resistance of nature to path erosion in Koli National Park, Finland. Boreal Environment Research 16(1): 218-228. [PDF]MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2010. Trends and productivity improvements from commercial willow plantations in Sweden during the period 1986-2000.
SELKIMÄKI M, MOLA-YUDEGO B, RÖSER D, PRINZ R, SIKANEN L. 2010. Present and future trends in pellet markets, raw materials, and supply logistics in
MOLA-YUDEGO B, GRITTEN D. 2010. Determining forest conflict hotspots according to academic and environmental groups. Forest Policy and Economics 12(8):575–580.
COLL L, GONZÁLEZ-OLABARRIA J R, MOLA-YUDEGO B, PUKKALA T, MESSIER C. 2010. Predicting understory maximum shrubs cover using altitude and overstory basal area in different Mediterranean forests. European Journal of Forest Research 130(1):55-65.
MOLA-YUDEGO, B. 2010. Regional potential yields of short rotation willow plantations on agricultural land in Northern Europe. Silva Fennica 44(1):63–76.[PDF]
SPENCE J R, MACLEAN D A, SPIECKER H, DRUMMOND A, JAEGER D, STADLER M, CALAHAN C, KERLSSON A, KENNY A, LARSON B, MOLA-YUDEGO B, STERNER M, WÄSTERLUND D, and VALINGER E. 2011. The TRANSFOR success story: International forestry education through exchange Forestry Chronicle 86(1):57-62.
MOLA-YUDEGO B, GONZÁLEZ OLABARRIA J. 2010. Mapping the expansion and distribution of willow plantations for bioenergy in Sweden: Lessons to be learned about the spread of energy crops. Biomass and bioenergy. Biomass and Bioenergy 34(4):442-448.[pre-print]
GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2010. Blanket strategy: A response of environmental groups to the globalising forest industry. International Journal of the Commons 4(2):729-757. [PDF]
AREVALO, J., PITKÄNEN, S., GRITTEN, D. & TAHVANAINEN, L. 2010. Market-relevant competencies for professional foresters in European graduate education. International Forestry Review 12 (3) 200-208.
HALDER P, PIETARINEN J, HAVU-NUUTINEN S AND PELKONEN P. 2010. Young citizens’ knowledge and perceptions of bioenergy and future policy implications. Energy Policy 38: 3058–3066.
HÄRKÖNEN S, MÄKINEN A, TOKOLA T, RASINMÄKI J, KALLIOVIRTA J. 2009. Evaluation of forest growth simulators with NFI permanent sample plot data from Finland Forest Ecology and Management 259(3):573-582.HÄRKÖNEN S, PULKKINEN M, DUURSMA R and MÄKELÄ A. 2009. Estimating annual GPP, NPP and stem growth in Finland using summary models Forest Ecology and Management 259(3):524-533.
MEI Q, TAHVANAINEN L, AHPONEN P, PELKONEN P. 2009. Bioenergy in China: Content analysis of news articles on Chinese professional internet platforms. Energy Policy 37: 2300–2309.
MOLA-YUDEGO B, PELKONEN P. 2008. The effects of policy incentives in the adoption of willow short rotation coppice for bioenergy in Sweden. Energy Policy 36(8): 3062-3068.MOLA-YUDEGO B, ARONSSON P. 2008. Yield models for commercial willow biomass plantations in Sweden. Biomass and bioenergy 32(9):829-837.