Latest projects
Building Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and coordinated by ICRAF. 2013-2016.Developing bioenergy governance, funded by the University of Eastern Finland under the Call for Innovative Research Initiatives. 2011-2014
Contesting bioenergy governance, funded by the Academy of Finland. 2012-2015.
Improving forestry education in Kenya, funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. 2011-2012.
Indian Forest Service-Mid Career Training, a capacity building project funded by the Governent of India, 2009-2012.
Assessment of the required competencies for forestry higher education graduates in Europe, a study prepared for the Education Group of the Forest Technology Platform (FTP)
Improving forest conflict management and governance tools, with particular focus on indigenous communities, based on a global to local understanding of its core issues, funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland 2012.