International Journals SCI
GRITTEN D, GONZALEZ-OLABARRIA J R, MOLA-YUDEGO B, DOMINGUEZ G. 2012. Environmental campaigns against forest companies: What are the campaigns trying to achieve? Forest Systems. In Press
QU M, AHPONEN PL, TAHVANAINEN L, GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, PELKONEN P. 2012. Practices and perceptions on the development of forest bioenergy in China from participants in national forestry training courses. Biomass and Bioenergy 40:53–62.
FABRA-CRESPO M, MOLA-YUDEGO B, GRITTEN D, ROJAS-BRIALES E. 2012. Public perception on forestry issues in the Region of Valencia (Eastern Spain): diverging from policy makers? Forest systems. 21(1):99-110.[Free PDF]
GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, DELGADO-MATAS C. 2012. Media coverage of forest conflicts: A reflection of the conflicts’ intensity and impact? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 27(2):143-153.
MOLA-YUDEGO B, GRITTEN D, DELGADO-MATAS C. 2012. Quantitative investigation of forest conflicts using different data collection methods. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27(2): 130-142.
RÖSER D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, SIKANEN L, PRINZ R, GRITTEN D, EMER B, VÄÄTÄINEN K, ERKKILÄ A. 2011. Natural drying treatments during seasonal storage of wood for bioenergy in different European locations. Biomass & Bioenergy 10(15): 4238–4247
QU M, AHPONEN PL, TAHVANAINEN L, GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B, PELKONEN P. 2011. Chinese university students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding forest bio-energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15(8): 3649–3657.
GRITTEN D, and MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2011. Exploration of the relevance of geographical, environmental and socio-economic indicators regarding forest conflict types. International Forestry Review. In Press
MOLA-YUDEGO B, GRITTEN D. 2010. Determining forest conflict hotspots according to academic and environmental groups. Forest Policy and Economics 12(8):575–580.
AREVALO, J., PITKÄNEN, S., GRITTEN, D. & TAHVANAINEN, L. 2010. Market-relevant competencies for professional foresters in European graduate education. International Forestry Review 12 (3) 200-208
GRITTEN D, KANT P. 2007. Assessing the impact of environmental campaigns against the activities of a pulp and paper company in Indonesia. International Forestry Review 9(4):819-834.
GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2010. Blanket strategy: A response of environmental groups to the globalising forest industry. International Journal of the Commons 4(2):729-757
International Journals
GRITTEN D, MOLA-YUDEGO B. 2010. Blanket strategy: A response of environmental groups to the globalising forest industry. International Journal of the Commons 4(2):729-757